Going a bit more back in time, in the forties of last century, one of the most popular “commedia all’ Italiana” with Anna Magnani and Aldo Fabrizi took place on that square and the title was, of course, “Campo dei Fiori”.
But it was not a very nice place a few centuries ago. During the Counter Reform, in the 15th century, the executions took place on the Campo. In the middle of the square, there is a statue of the Dominican father and philosopher Giordano Bruno that reminds us that this marvellous man, opened to the revolutionary scientifically discoveries of that time about the infinity of the universe, was burned alive, there, on the 17th February 1600. Just because he pretended freedom of thinking for the human beings! Perhaps it is that spirit of freedom, still present, that gives to Campo dei Fiori his unique magical atmosphere.